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Mathematical Methods Unit 2


Exponential Functions


Clips from YouTube


Arithmetic and Geomentric Sequences and Series


Clips from YouTube

Introduction to Arithmetic Sequences

Explicit and Recursive Defiitions of Sequences

Geometric Sequences

Arithmetic Sequences

Using Arthimetic Sequences to Calculate Simple Interest

Formula for a Finite Geometric Sequence

Finding the 100th term in an Arithmetic Sequence

Introduction to Geometric Sequences

Using Geometric Sequences to Calculate Copound Interest

First-Order Linear Recurrence


Introduction to Differential Calculus


Clips from YouTube

Review Rates of Change

Newton, Leibniz and Usain Bolt

Limits Examples

Introduction to Derivatives

Derivative Examples

Review Rates of Change

Introduction to Limits

Limits Examples

Derivative Examples

Further Examples of Derivatives

Review Rates of Change

Introduction to Limits

Limits Examples

Derivative Examples

Introducation to  the Anti-derivative

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